Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Winter is here!

Well it's hard to believe Michael and I have now lived in Sitka for 3 years!! We love it just as much as we did day one and it just keeps getting better. I have to say it is a bit more challenging to get up a blog post during the winter because we basically don't get out as much. It's cold, it's icky, and we basically don't wanna. LOL Sunday though turned out to actually be a fairly nice day so we went and checked on the boat and I took photos of our first snow of the season. We are covered in snow today and waiting for Swan Lake to be frozen enough to ice skate on, of which I may try this year. Different when there are no railings to hold on to if you fall. Guess I'll have to rely on Michael to be my rail!
Snow fills the gape and makes it Cross Mountain

Looking out from the Marina

Young Eagle hanging out

Out from the marina

On her nest

Verstovia is behind our house

I love whales!

Looking from out at the University  3 sisters mountains

Lots of snow up there!

From top the bridge

Mt Edgecombe covered!