Sunday, August 9, 2015

We love Lake Eva!

Michael and I got yet another opportunity to be flown out to Lake Eva by Harris Air. As always our pilot John gave us a safe and entertaining flight, passing me over some goats on the way to catch a photo. Never a dull moment with John in the pilots seat.

First order of business when we arrived, Michael had to work on the heater that was not functioning correctly. After taking the carburetor apart he figured out there was water in it so after draining  some of the fuel he got it workable but not perfect. It was ok because all we used it for was warming up my pre-made breakfast burritos. The weather was awesome except for a bit of rain but it was warm so not a problem.

We fished everyday and did darn good. I actually caught my very first salmon since moving to Sitka and it went from my fishing pole to my frying pan! It was delicious! We also went deer hunting but we were not willing to hike up the mountain where they probably were hiding to get out of the heat. So no deer. :(

Got all of the R&R we both needed after a hectic 2 weeks previous with me going back and forth to Juneau for jury duty, of which I ended up on the jury. Guilty on all 3 counts. Your welcome!

So another great trip out to Lake Eva. Can't wait till we go again!
We arrive at Lake Eva-first order of business

I caught dinner!


Looking out the other end from the cabin

Michael's fish out of the river

I love this place

Fireweed surrounds the cabin . So pretty

Fishing off the dock

Ducks came in for a visit

Pair of Loons came to see what we were about

Now lets catch some fish!

Gottcha !!!

Pretty and tasty

Another one hooked !

Dolly Varden  also yummy!

Good thing we like fish !

Michael's way of doing dishes  hahaha  playing with guns!

Fishing off the dock- no luck

Hi honey :)

Self portrait -- oops!

Oh that's better  LOL

Beautiful evening

No we have not been drinking--wink wink

Time to go home

Love it when John flys us home

Until next time Lake Eva!