Friday, December 11, 2015

Simple little pleasures

So winter is upon us here is Sitka and sometimes you have to be creative to entertain ones self. I had kept the truck today while Michael was working and I thought to myself, self, what would you like to do today? You have a vehicle and 14 miles of open road! So I hopped in the truck with my camera and drove to the end of the road into the Silver Bay area. I stopped in to see what I could see in Whale Park and did take one photo but didn't see any whales. I continued down the road stopping a couple of places to take photos. Onward to the end not knowing what I'll see on my adventure. Got to the parking lot of the Beaver Lake trail and what should I see? I could not believe my eye's! Was I in Sitka or did I secretly travel to Hawaii because walking up the road in front of me was a chicken! Yes, a chicken! Not sure how it got there or why but I bet it was glad the bears are hibernating! I giggled , took his picture and went on my way. Drove down to the other end of the road to Starrygavin. Thought I saw a bear but turned out to be a log. Or it was a really still bear. LOL  
Started to head back to town and made one last stop at Sandy Beach. To my amazement and surprise there were two guys out on surf boards. Surf is never really "UP" in Sitka but they were having fun. So as I end my day I reflect on what a beautiful place we live and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy it's beauty every day.

Pretty moon coming up

Lonely boat out by Whale Park

This duck wanted nothing to do with me lol

Mountains in Silver Bay

Silver Bay

End of the road at the Beaver Lake trail

What?? a chicken at the end of the road!

Little waterfall by the side of the road

Eagles just hanging out

A secret passage. hahaha

Tidal flat at Starrygavin

Tidal flat

Yes we have these guys also

Different view of the tidal flat at Starrygavin

This river ends at the Ocean at the State Recreation area

You can cross this bridge and see more of the park

Surf's up!

Really, surf's up! LOL

I stopped at Sandy Beach- this looks to town

And there is is! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Winter is here!

Well it's hard to believe Michael and I have now lived in Sitka for 3 years!! We love it just as much as we did day one and it just keeps getting better. I have to say it is a bit more challenging to get up a blog post during the winter because we basically don't get out as much. It's cold, it's icky, and we basically don't wanna. LOL Sunday though turned out to actually be a fairly nice day so we went and checked on the boat and I took photos of our first snow of the season. We are covered in snow today and waiting for Swan Lake to be frozen enough to ice skate on, of which I may try this year. Different when there are no railings to hold on to if you fall. Guess I'll have to rely on Michael to be my rail!
Snow fills the gape and makes it Cross Mountain

Looking out from the Marina

Young Eagle hanging out

Out from the marina

On her nest

Verstovia is behind our house

I love whales!

Looking from out at the University  3 sisters mountains

Lots of snow up there!

From top the bridge

Mt Edgecombe covered!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Whales in Sitka Sound !!

So it was a fairly nice day today so we decided to take ole Belley Ache out for a spin. We went yesterday to check her out and she was about 4 inches too low. We have gotten a ton of rain the past few weeks and she was full of water. Got the bilge pump going and got her drained but decided we should go back today and check and make sure for some reason she was sinking. She was not today so we went out for a little ride. Came across a juvenile Eagle relaxing in a tree and he swiftly left and scooped a fish out of the water and was on his way. We also came across an Eagle that seemed to be sitting in a nest but this seemed the wrong time for that but I'll let you judge. Came across a Humpback whale having some fun fishing pretty close to town. We followed him for a ways and enjoyed him tail slapping . Always nice when it's a good day to go out on the boat, especially if you can enjoy the wild life. Love this place!
Beautiful day in the Sound

Juvenile Eagle hanging out looking for dinner 

Hey you! Yea the one in the boat! lol

Looks like a nest to me

What do you think?

Humpback Whale

See my pretty tail

Down I go

Up for a breath- so close to town

Jet propulsion! Down again!


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Party's Over !

Well another great season has ended once again here in Sitka. The last cruise ships, came, spent and went on their way. I had a great time working at the Alaska Raptor Center in the gift shop and hope I did a good job making good money to feed the birds that are rehabilitating at the center. I love visiting with people from different place around the world and this summer was filled with folks from Australia, CA, Texas, New Zealand and everywhere in between. It was awesome! I worked with a great group of people. I will truly miss Andrea that has left Sitka for her next adventure. Debbie our Director is retiring but Pete has been hired to replace her and just from working with him for a short time he will fit right in to our zaanie group. I look forward to my winters off but hope to be called in to help out with fundraisers and anything else they may need help with. Looking forward to working there next year and if you are coming for a visit to Sitka the Alaska Raptor Center is a must see. The work they do is amazing and the rewards are even more.
Could always count on John Bruce to vacuum. lol

Luciano loves to vacuum.....not!

Debbie couldn't believe Ange flipped me's how we roll! hahaha

Pete our new director. Of course I'm working!

Caitlin getting ready for the day

Ariel bringing Tootsie out for the day

Carlene pretending she does't like having her picture taken

Robert and Volta doing one of the last presentations on stage. Can you guess who is who? LOL

Sunset taking a bath

Shake it shake it baby!

Oh that feels so good!

All clean and shiny  :)