Monday, June 13, 2016

24th Anniversary at Lake Eva

So Michael and I celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary out at Lake Eva again this year. This is our favorite cabin and you have to book it about 6 months in advance as it is very popular. John at Harris Air flew us in on Friday and we didn't get picked up till Tuesday. What a wonderful weekend. We did some fishing and one day we took the boat down to the trail head and hiked down to the beach. Michael fished the river along the was but not any bites. It was high tide at the beach so not much shell hunting. A beautiful hike though. It rained more than it ever has over this weekend but we made the best of it with our rain gear. I caught my first trout. Caught it-killed it-cleaned it- cooked it- ate it! It was delicious. Michael caught one too so it was a nice lunch.

Saw a bit of wild life this trip. There is a meadow just by the cabin and we always expect to look over and see a bear. none this time, but we did see a Doe and her 2 little babies having a good time by the lake and 2 other deer were keeping a close eye on us. A small bird made an appearance on the railing of the deck so I fed him crackers all weekend. Never saw our beaver but his nest was still there. We saw a river otter for the first time and we think he has taken over the beavers home. WE had cleaned our fish on the dock and the otter came up on the dock to look for fish. He even got into the boat to look around.

It was an awesome weekend , thank you Rob at Harris Air for fetching us up and returning us home safely. Always a fun flight with beautiful scenery. Looking forward to 25 years with my wonderful husband! I love you honey!
Instant potty, a bucket and a life jacket as a padded seat! Hey I don't go out and pee with bears at night. lol

My baby Groot coming out of the deck 

My fat boy eating crackers in the rain. He didn't care if they were soggy. haha

first fish

fishing down at the sandbar. Glad no bear was behind me!

Having fun with our sling shots

hiking down to the beach

came upon a squirrel having a a snack

pretty flowers on the beach trail

this bee was really working this flower

Michael fishing on the river to the beach

At the Ocean  He says the water was freezing, I did not go in. hahahaha

No bites

heading back to the cabin

stopped to fish

My enchanted river  lol

Mama and her babies

My fish! My very first one!

Our river otter came for a visit

Searching for fish. We ate them.  Too late!