Sunday, October 4, 2015

Whales in Sitka Sound !!

So it was a fairly nice day today so we decided to take ole Belley Ache out for a spin. We went yesterday to check her out and she was about 4 inches too low. We have gotten a ton of rain the past few weeks and she was full of water. Got the bilge pump going and got her drained but decided we should go back today and check and make sure for some reason she was sinking. She was not today so we went out for a little ride. Came across a juvenile Eagle relaxing in a tree and he swiftly left and scooped a fish out of the water and was on his way. We also came across an Eagle that seemed to be sitting in a nest but this seemed the wrong time for that but I'll let you judge. Came across a Humpback whale having some fun fishing pretty close to town. We followed him for a ways and enjoyed him tail slapping . Always nice when it's a good day to go out on the boat, especially if you can enjoy the wild life. Love this place!
Beautiful day in the Sound

Juvenile Eagle hanging out looking for dinner 

Hey you! Yea the one in the boat! lol

Looks like a nest to me

What do you think?

Humpback Whale

See my pretty tail

Down I go

Up for a breath- so close to town

Jet propulsion! Down again!