Monday, February 2, 2015

Beautiful day in Feb 2015

Actually got the sun shining  today so we decided to go out on the boat to put more putt putt hours on the new drive. I packed us a lunch and off we went. Headed out through the harbor to avoid the wind. Still needed to put 3 1/2 more hours going slow on the new out drive so we headed out toward Katlian Bay until the wind got to much and we turned around. Caught a Sea Otter having lunch and caring less about us and a small harbor seal(we think) cruise around. The birds were enjoying the day as much as we were. Finally the weather is acting more like winter. Today anyway. lol Beautiful views of town and we actually saw what looked like a lighthouse home that being here over 2 years can say we never noticed it. Funny. Michael got a cool photo of the moon from our back porch the other night. Looked like it was sitting on top of Mt. Arrowhead. That is what I look at when I'm doing dishes. Doesn't get any better than this!

Lunch time!

That is our golf course up on the middle of the hill. I hear it's a tough course. I don't golf. lol

Light house house we saw for the first time  haha

Heading back to town

Japonski Island

Harris Air where Michael works

Coast Guard Sitka

Going through the harbor

Little harbor seal poking arounf in the harbor. Imagine that! heehee

This is how our fuel gets here

I loved the way the yellow and blue came through in the water