Monday, January 26, 2015

SunShine and Boat Ride

Finally we see it! We weren't sure we would ever see it again! What am I talking about you ask?
The sun, the sun! It has pretty much been cloudy and rainy since we got back from our fabulous and sunny vacation in Florida a month ago. We got 5 1/2 inches of rain in 2 days last week so needless to say, to see the sun if only for a short time is wonderful.
The boat had been in the shop for it's yearly maintenance and we finally got "Belley Ache" back in the water today. Took her out for a little putt putt time and for us to reconnect with our love of being in Sitka and on the water. Lots of birds out enjoying the sun, as were some whales and sea lions. Sea lions avoided my camera but was nice to see them enjoying the sun. Eagles sitting atop a buoy enjoying the sun and a few other boats pasted us also. Temp is 39 right now but our boat has a cabin that also has a heater. :)
Hopefully we will get out again soon. Halibut stock in freezer getting eaten, so we want to go out and set our skate line for more. Can't have to much halibut in the freezer I say! We love this town!

Waiting for my boat to come in

From the big dock looking into town

Harbor our slip is in

Nice day for Kayaking 

Yay back in the water! I was on the dock waiting for him to pick me up. 

Looking into town

 My friend's house is Salmon color. Can you pick it out? 

Through the cloud haze Mt Edgecome has some snow on it. Not much though

Inlet to Silver Bay

Whale blows

Big whale blow and part of him there

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Florida 2014

Wow, Michael and I had such a nice vacation at the end of the year! We went to Florida and started off with a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean. We went on the Norwegian Get Away which is a fairly new ship and HUGE! I picked it for the water slides but due to high winds did not get to use them as much as we could have. Just for the record also, there is no such thing as a cheap cruise! Hahaha
We went to St. Maarten, St, Thomas and Nassau. The weather was great with a couple of good rain down pours. We got plenty of sun and had a great time. Would not do another freestyle cruise though. Michael described it as alacarte.

We spent the night in Key Largo the day we got off the cruise. Found a cute little motel right on the beach and watched a beautiful sunset. Headed to Key West the next day where we stayed at a Bed & Breakfast called The Southern Most House. It was amazing! The pool looked out over the ocean and it was fun that the seagulls would join you in the pool to drink and bathe. We spent 4 days in Key West and had a awesome time. The food was fabulous and we ended up walking about 9 miles a day.

We then went back to Orlando and spent the night with my nephew and his girlfriend and had a nice visit. They have 3 crazy dogs that couldn't get enough of us petting and playing with them. So cute.

Headed to Georgia to see my twin's new digs. They had moved just a couple of days before we arrived but we didn't take it personally. lol They have an awesome place on a river and it was nice to visit even for a short time.

All in all we had a fabulous vacation! It is always nice to get in the warm and sunshine for an extended amount of time to revitalize and remember what a beautiful place we live even though it can be dark and cold at times. Still loving Sitka, but love vacations too!
On the ship getting started

First Sunset

Cute thing our room guy did

Water slide on ship

Up on the bow

Just a bit windy

Our room was at the end of this hall

Coming into St. Maarten

We didn't go see this lol

Merry Christmas

St. Thomas
St. Thomas and our ship

Ice Sculpture on the ship 

Relaxing on our balcony

Our cabin

Southern Most House Key West

This was sitting in a tree

Pelicans just hanging out

Coming into Nassau 

Traffic cop in Nassau 

This sign was on the side of a bldg. LOL

Key Largo Motel

Key Largo

Sunset in Key Largo