Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Veteran's Day in Sitka

I am so lucky to live someplace that still takes pride in recognizing the veteran's that live in their town. They have a small parade and there is always someplace in town for a vet to get a free meal. I go to every parade that happens in Sitka. What was sad to me this day was the turnout to support the men and woman that served for their country. Banks and the post offices were closed but the kids had to go to school, as did all working adults that do not work for a bank or PO. How sad is that. Well Michael and I showed up to show our support! They don't always last very long, this one was about 5 minutes , LOL  Thank you for all those who serve or have served to protect this Country we live in.
Fiery sunset from our living room window 

Interesting moon shot out my back door

Preschool kids at the parade

Start of the parade

End of Parade!