Friday, September 5, 2014

Things that make me smile!

Well as the season starts winding down and the weather has been rainy rainy rainy, I find myself thinking of all I have seen this summer. Working for Allen Marine this summer has been challenging, rewarding, frustrating,aggravating, exhausting, and fun! Oh and I'm exhausted! LOL Here is a short recap of the summer. Not a bad summer I would say when I look back.! Got to meet tons of wonderful people Hope all of you had an awesome summer like we did! Cheers to more adventures in Sitka!
I taught people how to put on a PFD

Saw Orca Whales
Moon Jellies
Had a Wonderful anniversary at Lake Eva
Michael caught a nice King Salmon

On my bucket list to do

Caught Davey standing on a whales tail
Had fun on the Causeway

Saw a bear in Redoubt Bay
Saw some Stellar Sea Lions Cruising along
An awesome awesome whale breach!
And bunches of Sea Otters