Friday, May 23, 2014

Beaver Lake

Michael and I went on a 6 miles hike last Sunday. It was a beautiful day so we decided to go out to the Beaver Lake trail at the end of the road. We have done this hike a few times but have never gone all the way to the lake. The waterfall was beautiful and there was lots of water running down the hill. You can walk all around the lake and it's is a really nice trail. We could see the crane they are using not far from the lake at the Blue Lake Dam project. Looked kind of funny out in this beautiful wilderness, then you see a big crane.
The devils club is in full bloom and the salmon berries are starting to have berries on them. One part of the trail had so much water coming down it this winter it damaged part of the trail but you can still get through fine. Beautiful Day to hike! Enjoy!

Devils club plants, it is made into a balm you would use on arthritis and such

Beaver Lake from the top of the trail 

That is a big tree!

Trail damage

At the beginning of the trail, not frozen anymore! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Allen Marine Tours 2014

Well the 2014 season is under way and I can't tell you all how much I am enjoying working this summer. Everyday is a new adventure and each tour that I do is new and exciting. Never know what we are going to see out there but no one has been disappointed yet! I have seen some amazing things and getting to talk to different people on each tour is so much fun. One couple was from Kauai where we vacationed over Christmas in Hawaii. Small world. We saw a couple of Sea Otters on Wednesday and after watching them for a few minutes our Captain came on and says, well, seems we have come across some love struck Otters. The passengers burst out laughing. I watched them and wondered what are they doing? OOhhhhhhh...I get it! ..LOL
We left them to be alone. heehee
Have gone different places in the Sound from looking at Eagles around Makhnati Island to finding a whale in Redoubt Bay. Went up to Saint Lazaria Island and saw Puffins and Murres that nest on this National Wildlife Refuge.Can't always go out there because of the Ocean swells but I have gotten to see it twice! Amazing!
Mama and baby humpback whales

Came across some Orka whales, rare here in Sitka

Humpback Whale

Tail just about up

Humpback Whale feeding on the surface

Raft of Sea Otters

Redoubt water fall where sockeye salmon run for about a week

Sea Otters just hanging out

Came across a Grey Whale. They don't come up to the surface very high and are bottom feeders. They are shy. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Allen Marine Training

Well, sometimes you start a new job and the biggest thing for most work places, that one does not look forward to, is training. Am I right? I started my training with Allen Marine Tours yesterday and I have to say, this is going to be an awesome place to work. When I started my job hunting, my only requirement was, this has got to be fun. Well it's not hard to tell after only two days that I have found my nitch. I know it will be hard work also, but doing something you love makes all the difference. Everyone is very friendly and when was the last time you got to go out for a boat ride for training? Not me! We saw an Otter and a whale today and the weather was spectacular. Mike, our Captain , did a great job entertaining us, as did our Naturalist's, Bill and Mary. All in all, not bad for my second day on the job. Anyone out there in cyber space that may be planning a trip this way and may want to go on a nice sight seeing tour, you can contact Allen Marine Tours at 1-888-747-8101. Just a little plug there. LOL
Going to be an awesome summer in Sitka!
Beautiful day for a training ride

Bill, one of our naturalist's

Jamie showing how to use the life jackets

Mary, another naturalist, and our neighbor downstairs

Devin, guest services on the St. Tatiana

Capt Greg 

Sea Otter we found cruising

Having some lunch

Capt Mike at the wheel with Clay our deck hand

Heading back to town

This is our gift shop and galley on the St. Michael, my boat

Keturah, our naturalist

Trish and I are Guest service

Caught sight of a whale on our way back to town

Buh Bye now  heehee

Getting back to town