Monday, April 14, 2014

Our first trolling expedition

Michael and I ran into an acquaintance at the Baranof Brewery after our day at our first attempt at trolling for Salmon. After we told him we had lost both of our weights, clips, and down rigger line from our first attempt at trolling he told us, wow, you two really fit in here! One of the gentleman, Dave is a Marine Biologist for fish and game and the other, Ron runs a local Collision repair shop. Both have been in Sitka for a very long time and are more than willing to share their fishing advice. Ron told us his story of a woman that wanted him to take her out to learn how to use her down riggers to troll. She ended up getting caught on the bottom, as we did, but she lost her down rigger, pole, and part of her boat got damaged. Michael snipped us loose before that happened but we still donated about $100 worth of gear to the bottom of the ocean. I think he told us this story so we would drink our beer and not cry in it. LOL
We also put out another long line and left it out over night. Baited 20 hooks with chicken hearts. Yummy
Went and pulled it up today and all we got was 2 huge sun stars.:(  So we are have fajitas for dinner and will try our luck another day. We are not quitters! haha
Beautiful day for trolling

Waiting and more waiting

Trolling towards Mt Edgecome

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This is what we caught 2 of on our long line. Creepy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rock fish

This is the fish Michael pulled off of our long-line after it leaving in the water over night. Ugliest fish I've ever seen but Michael cleaned it and cooked it whole today for lunch. I was a bit skeptical but I have to admit it was pretty darn good. Very mild flavor with a halibut type texture. So now we know these are a keeper if it's the right size. The rock fish I have had in town, that I thought was gross, I think now it was just not fresh. We got fish and chips once at the Pub and I could smell it coming. Couldn't even put it in my mouth. lol
Here's to more fishing!
Way creepy eyeballs   They were popping out! Female, full of roe.  Scales are brutal to remove as were the fins.