Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lake Avoss Michael's Birthday 2013

Went to Lake Avoss for Michael's birthday weekend. Left Saturday via float plane with Harris Air, John was our pilot. Arrived at the Lake around 3:30 pm. Got a bit scared at one point but then realized we were landing on the lake after John did a quick pass around the half dome at the back of the meadow where the cabin is. When I am in the back seat I can't see anything out front because I am too short. LOL
He ripped that plane in a circle and landed. Scared the shit out of me until I realized we were landing. He is a great pilot and aims to entertain you. The cabin is a nice little A frame with a large loft where we put our bed up. Sleeping up there was different because as soon as we turned off our flashlights it was soooo dark we couldn't see our hands right in front of our eyes. Weird! Saturday night we had a heck of a storm that also caused a rock slide in the middle of the night. Scared us pretty good  as a few months earlier we had another cabin in the area experience a land slide of 40 acres in which a young couple had to run for their lives to escape a wall of trees and mud. They both survived. But here we are in the pitch black planning how fast we could run if needed. Not a great nights sleep. Until it was light outside, then you feel you could run fast. Haha.... Glad we didn't have to. Michael fished but we are convinced there were no fish in the Lake.He did get one nibble. It was pretty though. Went on a short hike to see Whale Harbor and the 700 foot water fall. Followed a bear trail all the way. I was not real comfortable doing this but Michael had the Judge with us. I would be ready to turn around and he would go farther. I told him he knew I would follow that gun anywhere huh? lol Saw a nice paw print but never saw the owner of it. Whew! Made Michael a wonderful birthday dinner on the heater in the cabin and got a better nights sleep. All in all he had a really nice 45th birthday.
Hazy but a nice flight to cabin. 35 miles from Sitka South

Oh fishin away!

Coffee pot worked great for straining pasta! LOL

Happy Birthday to Michael

Made it through the night!

Inside cabin

A short walk to reach the cabin

Damn Knots!

Pretty waterfall

Same one, changed places, we got off the boat to take these

Bear hike to Whale Harbor site

Uh hello! There are bears here! 

Finally in the afternoon he opened his present from me. haha  The hat he wanted

River behind the cabin

No bears but I have my whistle!
Birthday steak! Yes we shared it and have some left

Steak, mac an cheese, brussels sprouts and bread all warming on the gas heater

Loft for beddy by!

Dinner by candle light

Man we love doing this cabin stuff!

Redoubt cabin no more. Used to be where the large body of water is now above the trees to the right. Only loss was their dog.  :(

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello Again!

Hello all of my loyal followers! Sorry I have not updated you in a bit about my life in Sitka. Been an awesome summer! Lots of sun, lots of rain, but still believing this is the most spectacular place I have ever lived. The salmon have been running for a few weeks now. Still no sign of the bears but the run is so good this year I am thinking they are up in the streams higher in the hills than down around town. Hopefully any ways. LOL Down by Totem Park where I walk the salmon are in the river making their way up to spawn. It looks like a parking lot with one fish in the front telling them all when it is their turn to go. Looks really weird looking down into the the water and seeing so many fish waiting for the ultimate sacrifice, to continue it's species. We have so much salmon in the freezer right now it is just amazing. Michael has caught most of it but some of  his customers have brought in some to share. I love when they share salmon, crab, oysters, and clams. What a most amazing place we live!

We also had a famous visitor this summer. Charlie Sheen! He was in route to Petersburg but his pilots were unsure of the landing pattern there so they did an over night stop here in Sitka. He was very gracious with autographs, posing for photos and talking to people on the street and of course no visit is complete without a visit to the Pioneer Bar. Unfortunately I did not get to meet him in person but hopefully he will be back for a visit in the future.  

As our day light is fading and the Salmon are completing their bow chicka bow bow spawn, I hope this post finds everyone enjoying the end of summer vacations and excellent weekends.